Monday, 13 June 2011

CHAPTER TWO: You're So Gay!


Josh: Have you been sick? You look pale.

Yeah. I have been sick for a few days now, but today I'm going to update this story even though there isn't much follower yet. Too bad, your story isn't much interesting, eh?

Josh: Don't ask me. You wrote em. You create the whole thing. The whole plot. The whole drama. The entire....

Alright2. Enough with your saying. Be good to me today, will you?

Josh: Alright2... So, maybe I can do the recap?

My pleasure. But ensure the fact is correct.

Josh: Will try my best, Anna! XD So here we go. I moved to Sunset Valley and lived hobo life as a Private Investigator. I started my charisma and athletic skills right away. Then I conducted stakeouts around town and solved cases to gain simoleons. I tried to befriend celebrities to increase my popularity. And just there, I met this one amazing girl, -but she was a teen at the moment, and a 3-stars celebrities with 5-stars parents- and I didn't know what the consequences are to our friendship. So how was it?

Well done! So, this chapter I'm going to reveal the consequences. Let's start right away!

Josh: I'm sooo excited!!!

So, Josh and Bella Druch'e, the only one daughter of Amanda Druch'e and Christ Druch'e, goes on being friends. But this matter later on becomes an epidemic around town when people start noticing their closeness as 'Friends'.


So do I, but there, there's nothing we can do, though. It's entirely their job and we cannot "Ask To Leave" them. Too bad, isn't it?

Josh: All those rumors just keep us apart, you know. Sometimes, Bella would "No, I'm not interested right now" me when I invite her out.

You know, Bella comes from a family of reputation and they are trying to form a legacy, too.

Josh: Whh..Whhat do you.. mmee.. mmeean?? But you said I'm the only one in charge here to make MY legacy right?

There! There! Slow it down, bro. Just so you know, they are a family from other legacy. And their legacy is to have the generations in alphabetical orders. Amanda's initial is A, Bella's is B, Christ's is C, so Bella's spouse would be...

Josh: Something made of D?? Like Darian, Derek, Don or Diddy??

Well, most likely. And this fact kills you, isn't it?

Josh: I'm better off dead you know, rather than having that red plumbob everywhere I go.

Josh: "When I walk in, don't look at me, or I'mma stab you with my broken-hearted-red-plumbob."

That is harsh. HAHA. Either way, you try to deal with it, don't you?

Josh: It's been a tough call for me, but I'm a man, so I gotta be a man.

I doubt that.

Josh: Whh.. Whhatt do youuu meann?? No! Nooo! Don't say it!!

I'm gonna proceed with the story and you will shut up and listen.

Josh: .....

So, Josh's disappointment in his love life finaallly turn him into someone he shouldn't be. He starts dating male friends, and even share a bed with them.

Josh: "I'm pretending to be sleeping and I was hoping you would creep in with me and be naughty to me and share my astronaut dream, but all you do is reading that bla3 book??"

Josh: You're making this up. I invite him over to my place because I have wishes to be his best friend and that's it. And.. And.. I do not invite him to spend the night at my place! He's the one who resists to leave!

Well, it's surely your luck that he doesn't creep in with you, eh??

Josh: I'm still sane, Anna. I have no freakin idea he doesn't leave the place.

HAHA. The freak out Josh. I wonder why you don't have that kinda trait in your blood.

Josh: Everyone deserves to freak out when the timing and situation are correct.

HAHAHAHA. Alright. So... Btw! Bella comes to your place late that night, right?

Josh: Why, she's changed into an elegant young adult!

Josh: "I know this moment will come. Because our signs are sooo compatible together."
Bella: "Yeah, right. But I can see you're already sleeping with some guys here."
Josh: "Are you jealous?" Bella: "..."

HAHAHAHA. I don't like her hair, though. But somehow, you manage to 'eliminate' that sleeping best friend of yours, eh?

Josh: My bad. I want this moment to never ever ends. I want Bella to spend the night with me. I just can't hold it. She's above everything I ever wanted that night. She's so sexy. And I miss her soooo much. She's a young adult now, so I can start doing some romance actions with her. I really wanna f.....

PPPPFFFFTTTTT!!!! Shut it, Josh!!! *angry face

Save it to yourself, I'll take on the story from here.

Josh: Sorryyy. Btw, the Simlish word is WooHoo, right? It sounds proper. HEHE.

Josh: "I like you here with me. It feeelss soo good.. It feelss soo right!"

Lalalalalala~ So, he invites her to cuddle on bed and I'm pretty sure she must have been drunk or something because she simply follows. And with their very first kiss on the bed, (I forgot the pic) they are finally of romantic interest to each other! And that, increase Josh's star level to Level 3!


Josh: ...

And that cuddling doens't end there. Josh is over-excited to pretty much everything, so he doesn't wear any protection...

Josh: And so doesn't Bella! Please don't make it sounds like I'm the only bad person here, Anna. I'm trying to be nice today to you. Don't make me change my mind.

Well, Josh. Why don't you try to stop making things sound like it's me instead of YOU as the bad person, here? Be nice to me meaning, you can help me narrating along the story but what you do instead? You cut me halfway and accuse me. Hello! This is my story, and need I to remind you who's the God here?

Josh: ... Fine.

Sorry, people. Josh has been in very unstable condition lately that he doesn't even apology to me.

Josh: Yes, my bad, AGAIN. Sorry. Just proceed with the story and I will not interrupt you. Do I really see you smiling now?

Heck, yeah, I'm smiling now. HAHA. I can be pretty emotional, too. LALALALA~

Back to the story, the next day, Josh proposes Bella to move in. He doesn't know why but it's the one wish that occurs to him when he wakes up, so he slow talks to her the first thing in the morning. Well, she isn't drunk but hell yeah, she agrees! So, with Bella's joining the household, the funds increases and she straight away wanting to be bought a telescope. Well, logic is essential in Josh's profession so why not?

Josh: "Em.. Err.. I really like your hair.. Em.. Your skin is flawless.. Err.. I'm sure I'll work much harder having you around.."
Bella: "You want me to move in right?" Josh: "Err.. How'd you know?" Bella: "You made my favorite Mac and Cheese first thing in the morning, I gotta say I'm flattered. It tastes quite good. It'll be nice having someone to fix my favorite every day." Josh: "..."

So Bella moves in. We later find out her traits are Unlucky, Excitable, Heavy Sleeper, Kleptomaniac, Born Saleswoman. her favorites are Egyptian, Mac and Cheese, Pink. Other than that, she also brings in some amount of cash and the household funds increases. It sure aids when their baby is born...

Josh: Bella is pregnant??! Err.. Sorry to interrupt but I'm super curious..

Well... yes.. Bella is pregnant with your child, Josh.

Bella: "Yeay! Bay-Bee will be born-born!!" Josh: "I will be promoted.. I will be promoted.."

Josh: You didn't give me any hints at all, did you?

Bella: "Bluerk!!!!" Josh: "Star.. Oh, Star.. Fall down on me..."

Well, you were not around her when she threw up. You were busy searching for the galaxy. Because you want it so bad to tell people how you found one, and get to name it, bla3 and get double plus interaction everytime you doodle around about it.

Josh: But you know, I can't keep a child around. I'm not yet married. And I don't have a nice house for a family to live in.

Just leave it all to me, Josh.
And a few days of pregnancy passes. One night...

Bella: "Ouhhh!! It hurts!! Ouhhh!!!" Josh: "My, oh My! What am I gonna do now??!" Bella: "I told you to read the pregnancy book, didn't I??!! Ouhh!!" Josh: "I was busy!! Arrr!!"

Hearing such explanation, Bella just makes her own way to the hospital. She feels offended. She used to really think that Josh is seriously falling in love with her but maybe he's just not anymore. She starts to think twice of staying under one roof with Josh, when all he cares is only finding money and wealth.

Josh: "Why she didn't wait for me? Why won't she walk along with me? The baby is mine, too. Is she mad at me?"

So, before we proceed with the story, short brief details about the baby.
A baby boy is born and named Nate. Idk why Nate. I just name the baby with whatever name that crosses my mind at that moment. He is born with traits Good and Insane. How is that even possible??! Urgh! That's what happens when we simply randomize the traits. And his favorites are Roots, Dim Sum, Sea Foam.

So, back to story...
At home, while Bella is cuddling and snuggling Nate, Josh comes closer and looks her in the eyes.

Josh: "Look! I had bought Nate a crib!" Bella: "..." Josh: "Er.. Isn't he adorable?" Bella: "..."
Josh: "I'm sorry....*with a sad face"

And with just that one magic word, Bella decides to give Josh one chance. She can't help feeling different with Josh presence. She becomes so I-can-do-everything-when-you-are-around. HEHHE.

Bella: "I'm cleaning the shower. And when I'm done, you know I want a reward you-know-what." Josh: "Sure, baby! Just get in the room when you're done! I'm making breakfast, here!" Bella: "I don't want some hot dogs, you animal. I want Mac and Cheese." Josh: "I wish, too, but that menu isn't available till lunch, so why don't you try hot dogs instead?"

And their lives are merrier and Josh works even harder with another mouth to feed. Here's a snapshot of Josh finding some clues at a neighbor's garbage bin while a fan notices what he is doing. Well, at least she doesn't complain to anyone, or else Josh would have that "Publicly Disgraced" moodlet for rummaging other sims' garbage for 3 DAYS. HAHAHA.

Nate surely brings luck to the couple. Josh has been promoted to the 6th level by now and he thinks he's ready to take 'that' giant leap in his life.

One beautiful evening, Bella is painting outside when Josh approaches her. Let these snapshots reveal everything.

Josh: "Do you like diamond?" Bella: "Why, yeah? I love diamonds. *smiling"
Josh: "Since you do, will you be my date if I promise to buy you one beautiful diamond ring?"
Bella: "I had always been one, Josh. I just wish you had seen this much earlier. Since my hair is even shorter.."

And without any hesitation, Josh goes down on one knee and...

Josh: "Will you marry me, Bella Druch'e?" Bella: "OHHH!! YESSS!! YESSS!!! OHHH!!!!"

And Josh slips the engagement ring into Bella's finger...

It sure looks good on her...

And they straight away have a private wedding since they can't afford much to have a celebrated Wedding Party.. And they exchange rings.... Well, they aren't real rings. Only Bella gets a diamond ring. During the private exchanging ring ceremony, they just grab some weeds from the nearby plants. HAHA.

Bella: "I'm hungry.. Will you make me a bowl of yummy Mac and Cheese after we exchange rings?"

Josh: "Or.. hot dogs, maybe? *winking" Bella: "No. Mac and Cheese." Josh: "..."

Josh: HAHAH. I like how you twisted that ending, Anna. But who cares? She's mine.. Legally mine... I'm so happy!! Thanks, Anna..

You're welcome.. And thanks, Josh for not interrupting.

Josh: Why would I do that? You were about to tell the greatest moment in my life, tell me why would I ruin it? *smiling with eyes moisted in tears

Awwwww........ :)

Josh/Bella: "I love you."


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