Monday, 27 June 2011


Recap time! Basically, the household held three birthday parties in a day. They were Hannah's, Nate's, and Josh's. They had pretty good times and the family had grown bigger! Hannah is now a toddler, Nate is ready for his young adult life, while Josh should start thinking about retirement, now.

Josh: I'm not retiring until I fulfill my LTW.

Only a few more cases to go and Josh's good for a retirement.

Josh: Yes!

So, for this chapter, we'll be talking about death. But, before...

Josh: Did I die?!

But before we get there, I would...

Josh: Tell me! Is it my death we're gonna be talking about?

I would like to concentrate on other matters, first.

Josh: ...Hello? Talk to me!

Well, since Hannah has grown into a toddler, she'll be needing to learn those 3 basic skills in life.

Josh: It must be mine... Right?

Mostly, Bella would take time to teach but Josh also helps when others are out. And as for Nate, he has gotten a job in the science career like Bella. Well, its been his LTW to be Robot-Creature Cross-Breeder. It's the 9th career level. So, off he starts his working days happily. And since gardening skill is no big matter for him (well he's been helping Bella tending the garden near the house), so he's always a step away from promotion!

Josh: ...

Here's a snapshot of Bella teaching Hannah to talk while a paparazzi snaps their picture. Well, the front door really needs a blind or curtain or something to filter uninvited eyes-trespassing!

Max: "Err.. Hello? You can click that shutter on me, too. I'm a 3-star celebrity. Hello?"

Josh: No doubt... You're not talking to me anymore...

The family will get bigger in no time so Josh thinks it's best to totally renovate the house. Here's the first plan of the house. It's 2 storeys and has that pagoda-like roof. It looks cool but Bella wants a more modern house.

Asian Home

Final touch!

Later, the family is holding another birthday's celebration. It's Max's! And since the house has gotten bigger, it sure accommodates the growing people in the house. Everyone's getting their very own bedroom. And a Butler's hired to keep the house clean and managed.

Josh: This is so sad...

On the ground floor, the library, hot tub, nursery, laundry room, kitchen and dining hall are placed. There are 1 bathroom and a half toilet on the ground floor. On the second floor, the couple's master bedroom is placed, with 2 extra mini rooms of toilet and computer room. Nate's bedroom is on the other side, across the Butler's room. And they share the bathroom between their rooms.

P/S: The Butler's a lady. ;p

Josh: I never get the chance to advise Nate to behave, and now I will never get the chance, ever...

And lastly, on the second floor, there are 2 bedrooms. Max's and Hannah's. Since Hannah's a toddler, she'll be sleeping in the nursery, and that means Max is alone. Really alone on the highest floor. And he's got a bathroom next to his room, too.

Josh: Sure suits his Loner trait. He'll be enjoying the solitude...

Enough talking of the house, let's proceed to Max's birthday. Bella has bought a cake, and placed it on the table. They are waiting for more guests to come while enjoying the HD TV on the wall.

Nate: "Grow up, buddy! Don't be so nerdy. *serious face" Max: "Am I that nerdy?"

And as the guests start filling the dining hall, Max proceeds to blow the candle.

Max: "Maybe I should date you, Tami?"

And boo-yah! Max is a young adult now!

And my bad, I totally forget it's Hannah's birthday, too. Someone puts her down on the floor and a minute later, sparkles!

Hannah: "Me want cake, too..."

And as the night goes by, guests start departing. Nate's outside, jumping on the trampoline when he hears  the Butler screams from the kitchen.

Josh: It's time......

Nate runs inside and...

Josh: He doesn't look like me... Oh, I'm still alive!

And that night, Josh lost his first best friend when he first arrived in Sunset Valley. Remember this picture?

Josh: Jared Frio!

Yeah, its him. R.I.P Jared Frio...


Saturday, 25 June 2011

CHAPTER EIGHT: Triple Birthdays?

Recap time! Okay, the couple worked for another baby and they did. They had a baby girl who was named Hannah. And apart from that, Josh was awarded 'The Neighborhood Hero' again! Woo-Hoooo! It was cool. It boosted his moodlet. Other than that, a death took place at the lot. Nooo! Noo! Not a death of the Legacy household. It was a family member of the chess opponent Max invited over.

Josh: She sure knew the best place to die at. HAHA.

You wish. HAHA. Okay! Let's proceed to the next chapter!

Triple birthdays! Yes, birthdays of Hannah, Nate and Josh!

Josh: Finally, you're celebrating my bithday! Yeayy!

I promised, didn't I? Soo.. Off we head for some preparations. Bella throws the triple party, isn't it flattering, Josh?

Josh: Oh, I love that woman...*blushing

Sure you do. But you still lay your eyes on some other ladies, huh?

Josh: I did not!

You did not? Then tell me what this is all about.

I-Forget-What's-The-Name: "Mr. Zachary? What are you looking at?" Josh: "That lady... She's hottt!"

You're staring at her when she's working out!

Josh: You misunderstand me in the picture. I was thinking whether I should tell her she tears her shirt.

LOL! Torn shirt right at her tummy! HAHA. I wonder if she notices that. Probably her tummy's getting bigger, that's why she works out. You know, to flatten the monster belly? HAHA.

Josh: You're mean, big sister...

HAHAHA. Whatever. So Josh goes home to celebrate the party...

Josh: I really thought it's merely Hannah's, you know. Or Nate's. I have no idea it's gonna be mine, too!

Told you, she's sweeeet little lady! HAHA. At home, Max helps holding the baby Hannah while Bella sets up some preparations at the kitchen.

Max: "Today is your birthday!"

Awww.. He's sweeeet... When everyone's home, the party gets started! Bella takes turn holding Hannah after she changes to her formal dress.

Bella: "Come and getchu grow, my litlle baby Boo-La..."

So, she puts her down somewhere away from the crowd. And she begins to sparkle!

And there she goes! She's finally a toddler! Awwww, she's a blonde like Max, though.

Sorry the picture is not pretty. HAHA. Bella's standing there when I take her picture. She just won't budge. And yes, Hannah's naked! Wearing only diapers, I hope she doesn't remember this when she grows up.

Josh: Ah! I'll tell her when she grows up. I'll tell her you don't get her change her clothes first before you snap her birthday picture! HAHA.

If you're still alive...

Josh: ...

I always know how to shut you up, Josh.

Josh: Don't kill me before my time...

We'll see.. LOL. It's Nate's birthday next. So, Bella takes out another cake from the fridge and place it on the table.

P/S: The one at the other end is Hannah's. ;p

Nate: "Hehe! Pa-De-Hey-Par-De-Lay!"
Nate: "Hehe! I'm gonna be young adult and I can start getting laid!" =__=

And as usual, sparkles...

Nate: "Oh, please get longer dear 'Leg'..."

And there you go! The never-ending-of-gorgeousness Nate! I think I wanna marry him. HAHA. And as an addition to his never-ending-of-gorgeousness, he develops the Smoochzer trait!

Nate: "Oh, yeah! It sure does... ;p"

And as everyone thought the party's getting over, Bella takes out another cake and place it in front of Josh.

P/S: Hannah's taken into the fridge already. ;p

Max: "Priiiiitttt! Pritttt!! *blowing that prit-prit-thing" Nate: "Max, prit that thing away from my ears... *whispering"

Nate: "Prit that thing at Daddy's ears! It's his birthday now, mine's over! *knuckling"

She kisses his lips and whisper, "Happy birthday, sweetheart..."

Josh: I'm totally flattered! Nate must have inherited the Smoochzer trait from her...

Guess so.. And he inherits Inappropriate from you?

Josh:  Be nice to me, please? It's very INAPPROPRIATE of you to make fun of an elder.

Hello? Elder-to-be. You haven't blown your birthday cake.

Josh: Alright! I'll blow it straight away!

Nate: "Daddy! The BLOW-the-cake-JOB is yours now!"

Josh: And everyone burst out laughing. He's indeed inappropriate. LOL. Wait? Did you get it? No? HAHA.

And laughter turns to awe when Josh sparkles....

Josh: "I wish my hair stays the same......"

Josh: "Oh, yes, it does! I'm still the hot me, babe... *winking"

Josh: Despite my white hair... Can I dye?

No. Elder grows white hair. I'm not gonna dye you.

Josh: But I will look aweful when I stay next to Bella!

She'll be an elder, soon...

Josh: Wait! Where's Hannah?

Oh, don't worry. Someone has put her in the crib.

She plays alone with the teddy in her crib for a while before she falls asleep.

Little toddler needs a lot of rest. Many things await for her in the coming days...


Thursday, 23 June 2011

CHAPTER SEVEN: Another Baby?? Woah!!

Sooo.. Basically, last chapter we talked about the growing Max who had a little almost-fatal accident when celebrating his birthday. He burnt his clothes but still proceeded with the birthday. It was a modest success, though. And the touching part would be when Nate saved his brother's life. While everyone was kinda shocked and panic, he wouldn't do the same yet extinguished the fire at Max's butt. HAHA.

Josh: He was the hero. Well, I tried to help but I was stuck.

Yeah, I know. Sooooo.. This chapter, we'll be talking bout great things!

Josh: I doubt it when you mention great things.

Eh, why, there are lots of great things taking place, I'll share them.

Nate and Max are both teenagers now, it sure would be pretty lonely around. Besides, the couple has no daughter! Sooo.. One day, Bella has this one wish- I wanna get a daughter.

It all starts when she goes fishing at the lake across the house. It is lonely fishing alone, so she calls Max to join her. That is when a couple comes and gets flirty in front of Bella, it tortures her.

Hank: "Oh, my Pauline.." Max: "Oh, my head!"

Max: "This couple gets me stumbled. I'm lucky I didn't fall into the lake, or else the piranha's gonna get me. Well, is there piranha? Oh, why, I speak nonsense. I sure had hurt my brain with my logic power."

She hears Josh's Jamboree behind her. She knows Josh has left for his work, there's no point running home to get naughty with Josh, so she proceeds fishing with Max. But Max leaves early. He couldn't stand 'Crowded' so he goes home and asks Nate to do homework with him.

Nate: "I hate this 'trash'work. Why ask me to do it with you?" Max: "...*counting with his fingers"

And let's stalk Josh. He has a stakeout to make at the Doo Peas Tower. Let's see his stakeout style!

Josh: "You can't see me, can you? HEHEHEH."

Oh, my. I couldn't see him anywhere, could you? I guess his stakeout skill has gotten better.

Josh: I told you! HAHA. Stakeout is great.. Great when I remember to switch off the phone, or at least get it in silent mode. =_=

HAHAHA. Bella calls him when he's stalking. She has waited so long for Josh, I guess.

Josh: She misses me. Awwww....

Awwwww.. So sweet. And you get home asap, don't you?

Josh: Of course I do! *giggles

HAHAHAHA. And there he goes. Stop his stakeout session, and ride his Jamboree home. Actually, it's Nate. But he borrows it.

Josh: Nate's a good son, though sometimes he eats his favorite dim sum in the toilet. He's insane!

Hang on, there. he inherits that from you, okay? Need I to remind you with a picture? Here!

Josh: "...*sad face"

Josh: That's a slander! That's NOT me!

Whoopsy!! XD

Josh: That's not me. That's Jimmy! Anna, don't do this!

Okaaay.. Okaaay.. THAT'S NOT JOSH. THAT'S JIMMY. Sorry, Josh.

Josh: I want sorry in CAPITAL LETTERS.

Pffft! SORRY, JOSH... Okay, now that we have opened a little bit about Jimmy, actually he's my first Legacy family. But I forget to paint his picture, sooo I just proceed playing him until he married Kelly, which gave birth to Christ, which married Amanda, who gave birth to Bella, who gets married to you, when I replay Legacy challenge with your character! :D So, now you see where Nate inherits that insanity? Oh btw... You DID sit on the toilet while eating. I just didn't remember where the screenshot went to, because you know, this legacy thing made me organize screenshots in chapters. Or maybe I just forgot to snap one...

Josh: Glad there's no such picture of me. HAHA. But, yeah, alright. I did sit on the toilet, eating pizza. I remember. But that was because I had no place to sit, and you didn't buy me a chair so...

You need the money for other stuffs, alright. Hobo life, remember?

Josh: Yeah, I remember, and it's exactly the reason why I did that. It wasn't insanity, it was desperation to behave- eating while standing is no manner!

HAHAH. So, let's just say, Nate inherits both good but insanity from you, eh? *winking

Josh: Why you do this to me? =_=

HAHAHA. Okay, let's just proceed with the chapter. We have gone way strayed from the main topic.

Josh: That's better, Anna. That's really, really better..

LOL. Soooooo...... Where did we stop?? Hurm. HAH! Sooooo... Josh returns home and finds his sexy wife on the bed, waiting for him already. And they waste no time... XD

Bella: "Mitchu~" Josh: "Mitchu-chuu~"

Josh: "Clothes off! *giggles" Bella: "Try for baby?"

And they try for baby... HAHA.
And they succeed. They always do...

Bella: "Bluerk!!"

Bella: "Success!"

So again she gets maternity leave for a few days, and since she has been promoted to, I think, level 6 of her Science career, it sure helps loads of free simoleons to the family, while she improves her gardening skills. And as for Josh, with him successfully solves 25 cases, he, again, is being awarded 'The Neighborhood Hero.'

Mayor: "Finally, you're digging this. HEHE." Josh: "Huh?"

He's always clueless of whatever the Mayor tells him. Well, can't blame him. She's pretty confusing.

Josh: "I like this memory.. *smiling to ears"

Annnnd, sadly. At home, a death happens!

Josh: You said, there's only great things? Btw... Who died?? *anxious

Well, it's a family member of Max's chess opponent. Well, you know Max. He's crazy of chess and he invites the next ranked opponent, and that particular opponent brings along her family members. So, apparently, one of them dies at your home.

Sandi: "This beautiful lot sure deserves my mom's tomb. Hmm!"

But, no thanks. We're not keeping the no-connection ghost around. So, when Josh returns home, he picks the grave up and brings it to the mausoleum.

Josh: We all barely know her. Why keep her, then, right?

Totally. Sooo.. When Josh returns home, he woohoos the expecting Bella. HAHAHA.

Josh: "I promise I'll woohoo you slowly..." Bella: "Okayy!! *giggles"

Bella: "You think this baby in my tummy will later have a twin because we woohoo tonight?"

And he presses her tummy too hard, maybe, that when he goes to the toilet, Bella's water broken!

Bella: "Ouchhy! You hurty my tummy, Joshy!" Josh: "I heart you, too.." p/s: heart = love = <3

And off they go have the baby at the Sacred Spleen Hospital. And finally! Bella gives birth to a baby girl! Yeehaaa!
Details: Named Hannah. She is Neurotic, Perceptive (inherits from Josh!), Angler. Her favorites are Latin, Falafel, Black.

Josh: "Bah-Jay-Boo-Laaa! Bah-Jay-Bubu-Bala-Bretha~ Woo-Hooooo!"
"Mommy is sleepy, so she goes to beddy before daddy! Woo-Hoooo!

Aren't they sweet? Well, here's some more sweetness to end this chapter.

Max: "Wekk!"

Bella: "Wekkkk!"


Tuesday, 21 June 2011


Do the recap for me, Josh?

Josh: Alright. So, last chapter we talked bout me being awarded the Neighborhood Hero. That was it.

Duh! That wasn't all! There was even more than that. Come on, help me with the recap.

Josh: Bwe-naaaa?! Prey-di-jay?!! Urgh! Fine. Hurm... What we had last chapter, eh? Bella became an adult, right? Both Nate and Max grew up.. Annnnd.. Hurm... Help me?

What father are you? So, here are the things you missed. We had the biggest tag game on Nate's birthday of turning into a teen. And we also had a house renovation, to make it bigger, to accommodate the growing households. And lastly, yes Josh. We had your Award Ceremony at the household.

Josh: Are you okay, Anna? You don't look okay to me.

*Sigh. Thanks for the concern, Josh. I'm not feeling very good today. Can you help me proceed with this chapter?

Josh: Tragedy? Well.. You mean, 'that' tragedy?

It breaks my heart. Can you help me with the storytelling?

Josh: I'm no good. But I'll try. So, how shall I begin it with?

As however you like it.

Josh: So there will be lots of red in this chapter. What is red significant to?

The tragedy.

Josh: Yeah, the tragedy... Well... *taking a deep breathe

Nate: "WOW! Birthday cake!"

We are preparing for Max's birthday party. the guest have pizzas for starters. And after all of the preparations, we call Max to blow the candles.

Nate: "HAHAHA! Look at you, nerdy! You're gonna grow your bbb..." Bella: *whispering "Nate! Behave!"

It is a funny evening. Everyone's teasing each other. Even Nate's monster friend comes to celebrate Max's birthday. And just then... Everything starts to change... When Max blows the candles...

Max: "I don't believe in birthday wish. So let's try one. I wish there'll be fire. Will there be fire?"

Max: "No, that isn't my wish... *running away"

Max: "Alright! It's my wish! But why granted so fast?!? WOAH!!"

There's no fire alarm at the dining hall, to make things WORSE. Annnnd... There's nobody calls for a firefighter, to make things WORST.

But you know what's the worst of all worst right?

Josh: Another tragedy after a tragedy... We try so hard to put out the fire, especially Nate and I..

Josh/ Nate: "One! Two! Three! FIREEEE!!!"

And when we think that tragedy has come to an end, there comes another tragedy! The fire's caught Max!

Max: "We're cool, now, Fire?" Nate: "Not cool, Max! Fire caught your back!" Josh: "Help your brother!"

It's indeed scary... At one time, we all though we're gonna lose him...

Max: "ARGH!!! ARGH!!!! *screaming" Nate: "Hold on, Max! Hold on! I gotcha!!! "

But Nate loves his brother more than his own life.. Of course, they grow up together...

Nate: "HAHAA! You're naked!" Max: "Ouh....."

Josh: Nate saves his brother's life. I don't know how to thank him for that. He might be insane, but he sure has a kind heart... *touched

Alright! I'll take over from here! HAHAHA.

The funny part, the party still goes on, with Max burned and singed and black. Poor him...

Josh: "Still a good party, eh? Wooooo!!"

Max: "Who's this stranger-Miranda-Cosgrove? She looks excited. Duh!"

Ever since, Nate's and Max's brother-ship becomes stronger. They go to high school together since Max's a loner, and he hates being left alone in a crowd of strangers...

Max: "How to answer this?" Nate: "Where did you place your brain? In the trash can?"

They do homework together... They eat together... They play together... And they tease each other....

Nate: "Come on! Who finish this spoilt goopy carbonara first, he gets his homework done by the loser!"
Bella: "It's not spoilt. Mum just cooks it."

Nate: "I wanna check if yours bigger than mine." Max: "NO!"

Max: "Let me tell you. Imagine an elephant's head? It's really that big!" Nate: "WOW! Really!?"

HAHAHA. I'm crazy...

Josh: ...